Enrolment options

Junko Takagi

Junko Takagi

Categorization and Diversity Perceptions

Now that you have a solid understanding of diversity and inclusion concepts, this second leg of the learning journey is all about you within an increasingly diversified social context. This module introduces you to how cognitive processes such as social categorization impact what we see and how we react to our social environment. It will help you understand your own and others' perceptions and reactions to difference. By the end of this module, you will have acquired conceptual tools and experiential data in order to analyse your reactions in social interactions in the workplace.

Key Concepts

  • Become familiar with the concept of social categorization
  • Analyse the impact of the social categorization on the way you see, understand and evaluate a social situation
  • Appraise your own and others' reactions to diversity and the consequences on identity and social interactions

Self enrolment (Student)